

英作文練習 Day 7 implore 嘆願する

implore : 嘆願する 例文 Departing friend implored us not to bother to come to the station to see them off next morning. Naturally, we were deaf to this entreaty, knowing him to be not quite sincere. 旅立つ友達は翌朝わざわざ駅まで見送りに来…

英作文練習 Day 6 強い語彙で語数を節約する

アラームが大きな音で鳴ったとき、彼は大急ぎで出口に向かった。 訳例1 When the alarm went off with a loud sound, he went to the exit in a great hurry. 訳例2 When the alarm sounded loudly, he hurried to the exit. 訳例3 When the alarm blared, h…