
英作文練習 Day 3 倒置形について

a) Among those present were John and his girlfriend.

→John and his girlfriend were among those present.

 b) The door opened, In came a little girl with a red ribbon.

 →The door opened, A little girl with a red ribbon came in.

c) Upon this balance depends very largely whether or not civilization will long endure.

→Whether or not civilization will long endure depends very largely upon this balance.

  1. 倒置形のVがbe動詞であるときには、そのまま日本語のように読めるが(例文a)、そうでないときは注意が必要
  2. 倒置形が使われるときのパターンは、①もったいぶるとき(a)、②勢いを演出するとき(b)、③強調したいキーワードを文頭にもってくるとき(c)